Elegant Christmas Wreath

To Welcome Holiday Guests
Designer – Sandy Kay
24” Mixed foliage pine wreath
7 6”Pointsettia’s
stems gold leaves
stems gold twigs
large pinecones
loop wired bow with 12”tails gold spray paint
How To
- Adjust pine branches on wreath into a pleasing shape.
- Using hot glue, insert the poinsettias evenly around one half of the wreath. Insert the gold leaves and gold twigs in between the flowers as in the picture.
- Spray the pinecones gold and let dry
- Insert pinecones randomly around the flowers
- Hot glue the six loop bow in the centre of the decorated portion of the wreath.
- Tuck the tails of the bow through the foliage
- Hang your beautiful creation on your front door.
Advent Wreath
Designer - Chrissie Harten
Advent Wreaths were originally made of a circular flat piece of wood, bound with evergreen foliage, and often hung with ribbons. Nowadays, it is easier to use a floral foam wreath ring. For this Wreath I have used a mixture of foliages, including Picea pungens, Chamaecyparis, Pittosporum tobira variegata, Hedera colchica "Sulphur Heart", Buxus sempervirens and Hedera helix.
The wreath has four candles around the outside, with one in the centre. Historically, all the candles were white, but now the accepted colours are three purple candles, (the liturgical colour for Advent), one pink and ones white.
The first purple candle is lit on the first Sunday in Advent, and is the candle of hope, the second purple candle is lit on the second Sunday in Advent, and is the candle of peace, the third (pink) candle is lit on the third Sunday in Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday, and is the candle of joy, and the fourth purple candle is lit on the fouth Sunday in Advent, and is the candle of love. The central white candle is lit on Christmas Day.