Published: 22-08-2012, 11:54

Christmas in Colonial America: The First Christmas in the English Colonies

Christmas in Colonial America

Christmas in Colonial America: The First American Christmas

Christmas in Colonial America: Virginia and the South

Christmas in Colonial America: New England

Christmas in Colonial America: New York and Pennsylvania

Christmas in Colonial America: Conclusion

In Jamestown, Virginia, a ragged band of Englishmen huddled together on Christmas morning in the year 1607. Although one hundred hopeful settlers had left England in order to found this, the first American colony, less than forty were still alive to celebrate their first Christmas in the New World. Their leader, Captain John Smith, was gone. He had left them to barter for food with the local Indians, and, according to legend, returned alive thanks only to the intervention of a young Indian woman named Pocahontas. Although the settlers had little food with which to rejoice, they still observed Christmas Day with an Anglican worship service.
