Published: 10-12-2012, 02:59

Christmas in the Philippines: Epiphany

Christmas in the Philippines

Christmas in the Philippines: Rooster Masses

Christmas in the Philippines: Christmas Carols

Christmas in the Philippines: Decorations

Christmas in the Philippines: Christmas Trees

Christmas in the Philippines: Nativity Scenes

Christmas in the Philippines: Christmas Eve

Christmas in the Philippines: Christmas Gifts

Christmas in the Philippines: Christmas Day

Christmas in the Philippines: The Twelve Days of Christmas

Christmas in the Philippines: Holy Innocents’ Day

Christmas in the Philippines: New Year

Epiphany, January 6, signals the end of the Christmas season. In order to bring the holiday season to a close a little more quickly, however, the holiday is often observed on the first Sunday of January. Some families follow the Spanish custom of putting the children’s shoes near a door or window on Epiphany Eve, so that the Wise Men, or Magi, can fill them with candies and trinkets. Others distribute candies and trinkets to the children themselves. Many towns sponsor parades that reenact the Three King’s journey to Bethlehem. Riding on horseback in splendid costumes, the kindly kings often toss coins and sweets to the children who have come to see the parade. Churches, too, offer similar pageants portraying the arrival of the Three Kings at the manger in Bethlehem.
