Published: 18-10-2012, 07:32

Christmas in Ireland: Christmas Eve Today

Christmas in Ireland

Christmas in Ireland: Christmas Preparations

Christmas in Ireland: Christmas Candles

Christmas in Ireland: Christmas Eve in Times Past

Christmas in Ireland: Christmas Day

Christmas in Ireland: St. Stephen’s Day

Christmas in Ireland: New Year’s Day

Christmas in Ireland: Epiphany

Today many people still sit down to a meatless meal on Christmas Eve, often some combination of fish, potatoes, and vegetables. Some people also observe an old custom whereby the man of house prepares the potato soup for the family in a ceremonial way. Irish children customarily hang up their Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve. In recent years it has become popular to attend Midnight Mass later that evening. Before going to bed some families put more wood on the fire, place some food on the table, and make sure the candles in the windowsills are still lit. Some may also leave a door unlocked, another symbolic gesture welcoming the Holy Family to enter and refresh themselves.
